11 research outputs found

    Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Spanish firms: Evolution over time and implication for devolution

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    Purpose: The paper aim to explore the evolution in the use of HRO in Spanish firms, and determine the differences in the degree of implementation of HRO since 1999 until 2014, and also analyze the relationship between HR outsourcing and devolution of HR responsibilities to line managers in Spanish organizations. Design/methodology: This paper combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Namely the article is based on international Cranet HRM survey data collected from private and public organizations and also interviews with HR external providers. Findings: The analysis of developments, based on the Cranet surveys and interviews with HR external providers shows that during the past few years there has been an increasing use of HRO in parallel with the tendency to devolve more HR responsibility to line managers. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this research is the limitation of data about reasons for devolution that the CRANET questionnaire provides. However, the interviews carried out enrich the survey data with qualitative results. Practical implications: The findings can be used to guide management teams in outsourcing and devolution decisions to maximize benefits to their organizations. Originality/value: This paper is about the evolution of HRO in Spain as a European Union country where published research on HRO and also its implications is relatively limited. The originality of this paper is mainly the involvement of line manager in the outsourcing process which have been poorly analyzed until now.Peer Reviewe

    Professors’ roles in dealing with university students’ plagiarism: a cross-cultural perspective

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    El plagi és un fenomen molt estès en l'àmbit universitari global i representa una amenaça per a la integritat universitària i les normes ètiques. L'objectiu de la present tesi és el d'aconseguir una perspectiva holística de la percepció dels professors pel que fa la etica en la educació i més especifícament al plagi dels estudiants universitaris, així com entendre quin rol juguen en la seva prevenció, detecció i gestió. A tal efecte, s'utilitza una metodologia qualitativa recollint dades a través d'entrevistes semi-estructurades. La mostra consisteix en 81 professors de sis facultats d'economia i empresa de sis països diferents, la qual cosa permet analitzar la influència del factor cultural en aquesta qüestió. Els resultats mostren com l'ètica (en general) i el plagi (en particular) són percebuts de manera diferent en diferents contextos culturals, fins i tot entre països de l'espai educatiu europeu, i evidencien com les diferents percepcions influeixen en la forma i grau de dedicació que els professors exerceixen per prevenir-lo, detectar-lo i gestionar-lo.El plagio es un fenómeno muy extendido en el ámbito universitario global y representa una amenaza para la integridad universitaria y las normas éticas. El objetivo de la presente tesis es el de conseguir una perspectiva holística de la percepción de los profesores con respecto a la etica en educación y mas especificamente al plagio de los estudiantes universitarios, así como entender qué rol juegan en la prevención, detección y gestión del mismo. Para ello, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa recogiendo datos a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. La muestra consiste en 81 profesores de seis facultades de economía y empresa de seis países diferentes, lo cual permite analizar la influencia del factor cultural en esta cuestión. Los resultados muestran cómo la ética (en general) y el plagio (en concreto) son percibidos de forma distinta en diferentes contextos culturales, incluso entre países del espacio educativo europeo, y evidencian cómo las distintas percepciones influyen en la forma y grado de dedicación que los profesores ejercen para prevenirlo, detectarlo y gestionarlo.Plagiarism is a widespread phenomenon in the global university environment and represents a threat to academic integrity and ethical standards. The objective of this thesis is to achieve a holistic perspective of professors' perception about ethics in education and more specifically university students' plagiarism, as well as to understand the role that they play in its prevention, detection and management. To this end, a qualitative methodology is used, collecting data through semi-structured interviews. The sample consists of 81 professors from six universities of economics and business faculties in six different countries. Thus, it allows analyzing the influence of the cultural context on this issue. The results show how ethics (more generally) and plagiarism (more specifically) are perceived differently in different cultural contexts, including between countries of the European educational area, and show how different perceptions influence the form and degree of dedication that teachers exercise to prevent, detect and manage it

    La gestión de la diversidad en las empresas: desde las acciones afirmativas a las políticas de igualdad de oportunidades y las repercusiones en el contexto Español

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    This article aims to make visible how diversity has historically been and still is a problematic issue faced by those responsible for human resources. It will be analyzed how Spain, after the great migration of the twentieth century, becomes a host country for immigrants whose effects are manifested in the labor market, which is more different and has led to increased inequality in the labor market. In this context, diversity management is becoming one of the major components of the organizational culture, which may affect significantly the efficiency of the company and therefore its competitive position.; Este articulo pretende visibilizar como la diversidad ha sido y sigue constituyendo históricamente un aspecto problemático al que se han enfrentado los responsables de los recursos humanos. Se analizará como España, después de la gran emigración hacia latino América y zona más prosperas de Europa del siglo XIX.XX, pasa a ser un país receptor de inmigrantes cuyas repercusiones se manifiestan en el mercado de trabajo, el cual se hace más diferenciado conllevando al incremento de la desigualdad en la vida laboral. En este contexto, la gestión de la diversidad se está convirtiendo en uno de los principales componentes de la cultura empresarial, por lo que puede llegar a afectar de forma significativa la eficiencia de la empresa y, por consiguiente, a su posición competitiva

    Business school professors' perception of ethics in education in Europe

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    This qualitative study aims to investigate business school professors’ perception of ethics in business education, and their possible role in achieving ethical awareness in these schools. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 59 professors from four business schools, each from a different European country. The results show that participants define ethics along four dimensions, and express two divergent forms of implementing it. These differ by the country in which the business school is located. The findings shed light on the issues of ethics and sustainability in business education, and the importance of preparing students to become responsible leaders. For that purpose, we develop recommendations to foster ethics and sustainability in education in business schools in order to develop more socially responsible citizens

    Crisis innovation:A study of Michelin-starred restaurants' strategic renewal and alignment

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    Purpose: Using the lens of crisis innovation and strategic alignment, this study explores how a segment of the restaurant sector that may be less agile than others — Michelin-starred restaurants — perceives and aligns with the challenges brought about by the COVID-19-pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The study collected data from 19 Michelin-starred restaurants in Spain using a qualitative interview method. The data were analyzed qualitatively and organized thematically. Findings: Four key categories of strategic challenges were identified: human resources, uncertainty, control and economic challenges. In response, chefs displayed both behavioral and organizational strategies. Those organizational strategies were new human resource management, reorganization, product and service innovation and marketing. While the new human resource management actions adopted to align with the human resource challenges identified, a misalignment remains between some of the other strategic actions, such as product and service innovation, marketing and economic and uncertainty challenges. Originality/value The findings offer new insight into Michelin-starred restaurant chefs' challenges and (mis)alignment strategies, an area that has been understudied in the current literature on innovative responses in the hospitality sector post-pandemic

    Onboarding Citizens to Digital Identity Systems

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    Digital Identity (DI) technologies have the potential to enhance the quality of life of citizens through the provision of seamless services, improve the effectiveness of public services, and increase overall economic competitiveness. However, lack of access to DIs can limit these benefits, while unequal access can lead to uneven distribution of these benefits across social groups and escalate existing tensions. Accessible, user-friendly and efficient onboarding can play a key role in ensuring equitable access and wide adoption of DI technologies. This paper proposes the development of physical locations (Experience Centres) that can be used for citizen onboarding to national DI systems, positively shaping citizens' first impression with the technology and, in turn, promoting adoption. To this end, we outline a multidisciplinary research approach for identifying and addressing the considerations necessary for designing, developing and operating a model Experience Centre for DI onboarding in an inclusive manner.Comment: Accepted Author Manuscript to appear at the International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy, CADE 202

    Ideal and actual roles of university professors in academic integrity management: a comparative study

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    Unethical behaviour has become an increasingly controversial issue in Higher Education institutes. There have been debates about the reasons for the increase in unethical behaviour. But many of those debates contain problems. A key problem has been the lack of empirical results about faculty members’ perceptions of their role in the phenomenon, how cultural contexts influence the perception of university teachers about their role in the academic integrity field and whether conflicts exist between what they believe their role should be and the types of roles they actually play. The aim of the study is to explore this aspect using a qualitative research design to facilitate comprehensive access to faculty members’ beliefs and practices. The findings suggest that professors believe the teaching role extends beyond encouraging the learning of the subject matter being studied and includes offering education and information to students about the importance of avoiding academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism. Implications for university across different countries are also discusse

    Professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism: A literature review

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    Objectius. Aquest article té com a objectiu identificar i avaluar de manera crítica la recerca feta fins ara sobre les diferents percepcions que té el professorat respecte al plagi comès per l’alumnat universitari. Un coneixement profund d’aquests punts de vista ha de servir per ampliar la bibliografia sobre el tema i obrir nous camins que permetin continuar fent recerca i dissenyant polítiques.Metodologia. S’han analitzat les diverses opinions que té el professorat sobre el plagi dels estudiants universitaris per mitjà d’una revisió bibliogràfica integral. S’ha investigat la bibliografia publicada entre el 2000 i el 2016 fent servir una sèrie de combinacions de paraules clau relacionades amb les percepcions del plagi que tenen els professors. S’han aplicat criteris d’inclusió i d’exclusió per triar resums i, si eren pertinents, articles sencers. A fi de garantir el rigor de l’estudi també s’ha utilitzat un marc analític sistemàtic.Resultats. Els vint-i-dos articles seleccionats demostren que el professorat entén de moltes maneres el plagi comès pels alumnes. Els resultats d’aquest estudi indiquen que, a banda d’investigar sobre les diferents idees que els professors tenen del plagi com a concepte, també cal estudiar fins a quin punt consideren que els casos de plagi són importants, freqüents i greus. Així mateix, es fa èmfasi en el profund lligam que pot haver-hi entre les percepcions i els motius que els professors atribueixen al plagi comès per l’alumnat, d’una banda, i les mesures que acaben aplicant per afrontar aquest problema, de l’altra. Finalment, s’exposen problemes addicionals que resulten de la incoherència de les diverses respostes que es donen per abordar el plagi en tots els nivells acadèmics.Objetivos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y evaluar de manera crítica la investigación realizada hasta el momento sobre las diferentes percepciones que tiene el profesorado respecto al plagio cometido por el alumnado universitario. Un conocimiento profundo de estos puntos de vista debe servir para ampliar la bibliografía sobre el tema y abrir nuevos caminos que permitan continuar haciendo investigación y diseñando políticas. Metodología. Se han analizado las diversas opiniones que tiene el profesorado sobre el plagio de los estudiantes universitarios por medio de una revisión bibliográfica integral. Se ha investigado la bibliografía publicada entre el 2000 y el 2016 usando una serie de combinaciones de palabras clave relacionadas con las percepciones del plagio que tienen los profesores. Se han aplicado criterios de inclusión y de exclusión para elegir resúmenes y, si eran pertinentes, artículos enteros. Con objeto de garantizar el rigor del estudio también se ha utilizado un marco analítico sistemático. Resultados. Los veintidós artículos seleccionados demuestran que el profesorado entiende de muchas maneras el plagio cometido por los alumnos. Los resultados de este estudio indican que, además de investigar sobre las diferentes ideas que los profesores tienen del plagio como concepto, también hay que estudiar hasta qué punto consideran que los casos de plagio son importantes, frecuentes y graves. Así mismo, se hace énfasis en el profundo vínculo que puede haber entre las percepciones y los motivos que los profesores atribuyen al plagio cometido por el alumnado, por un lado, y las medidas que acaban aplicando para afrontar este problema, de la otra. Finalmente, se exponen problemas adicionales que resultan de la incoherencia de las diversas respuestas que se dan para abordar el plagio en todos los niveles académicos.Objectives: This paper aims to identify and critically evaluate the extant knowledge about professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism. A clearer comprehension of these perceptions will allow us to forward the literature on this topic by pointing avenues for further research and policy. Methodology: We explored professors' perception of student plagiarism through an integrative literature review. To undertake this review, we searched the literature from 2000 to 2016 using a range of keyword combinations related to professors’ perception of plagiarism. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were implemented to choose abstracts and then full papers. In order to ensure the rigor of the review, we also employed a systematic analytical framework. Results: The twenty-two studies identified revealed greatly contrasting and uneven perceptions about students' plagiarism among professors. Our findings indicate that it is necessary to focus not only on professors’ perceptions of what plagiarism is as a concept, but also to map to what extent this is an important, prevalent and severe issue for them. In the same vein, we highlight that such perceptions and the causes professors attribute to the reasons why students plagiarise may have a strong relationship with the actions they ultimate undertake to deal with this issue. Finally, we reflect on the additional problems caused by inconsistent implementation of responses to plagiarism at all academic levels

    Percepcions del professorat amb relació al plagi dels estudiants universitaris : revisió de la bibliografia

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    Objectius. Aquest article té com a objectiu identificar i avaluar de manera crítica la recerca feta fins ara sobre les diferents percepcions que té el professorat respecte al plagi comès per l’alumnat universitari. Un coneixement profund d’aquests punts de vista ha de servir per ampliar la bibliografia sobre el tema i obrir nous camins que permetin continuar fent recerca i dissenyant polítiques. -- Metodologia. S’han analitzat les diverses opinions que té el professorat sobre el plagi dels estudiants universitaris per mitjà d’una revisió bibliogràfica integral. S’ha investigat la bibliografia publicada entre el 2000 i el 2016 fent servir una sèrie de combinacions de paraules clau relacionades amb les percepcions del plagi que tenen els professors. S’han aplicat criteris d’inclusió i d’exclusió per triar resums i, si eren pertinents, articles sencers. A fi de garantir el rigor de l’estudi també s’ha utilitzat un marc analític sistemàtic. -- Resultats. Els vint-i-dos articles seleccionats demostren que el professorat entén de moltes maneres el plagi comès pels alumnes. Els resultats d’aquest estudi indiquen que, a banda d’investigar sobre les diferents idees que els professors tenen del plagi com a concepte, també cal estudiar fins a quin punt consideren que els casos de plagi són importants, freqüents i greus. Així mateix, es fa èmfasi en el profund lligam que pot haver-hi entre les percepcions i els motius que els professors atribueixen al plagi comès per l’alumnat, d’una banda, i les mesures que acaben aplicant per afrontar aquest problema, de l’altra. Finalment, s’exposen problemes addicionals que resulten de la incoherència de les diverses respostes que es donen per abordar el plagi en tots els nivells acadèmics. Objectives: This paper aims to identify and critically evaluate the extant knowledge about professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism. A clearer comprehension of these perceptions will allow us to forward the literature on this topic by pointing avenues for further research and policy. -- Methodology: We explored professors' perception of student plagiarism through an integrative literature review. To undertake this review, we searched the literature from 2000 to 2016 using a range of keyword combinations related to professors’ perception of plagiarism. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were implemented to choose abstracts and then full papers. In order to ensure the rigor of the review, we also employed a systematic analytical framework. -- Results: The twenty-two studies identified revealed greatly contrasting and uneven perceptions about students' plagiarism among professors. Our findings indicate that it is necessary to focus not only on professors’ perceptions of what plagiarism is as a concept, but also to map to what extent this is an important, prevalent and severe issue for them. In the same vein, we highlight that such perceptions and the causes professors attribute to the reasons why students plagiarise may have a strong relationship with the actions they ultimate undertake to deal with this issue. Finally, we reflect on the additional problems caused by inconsistent implementation of responses to plagiarism at all academic levels